Sunday, January 29, 2012

Whats for dinner??

I hate deciding whats for dinner... i hate more when I the hubby asks whats for dinner and has no idea what he wants. I usually would be too tired to figure it out and when I would I would be missing one vital ingredient. So one of my goals I set for this year is to make a menu so I make dinner more. I grocery shop every two weeks so I plan 10 dinners... one night a week I work so Eric eats leftovers or frozen pizza or whatever else he cooks himself, and we usually eat out one night a week too with our busy schedules.I've been trying to put together a menu board for the kitchen, here is my idea of what I want to do from Pintrest. I just need to find the right chalkboard to hang on the side of my fridge. 
My 10 dinners for the week:
Beef stir fry
Chicken and broccoli casserole 
Taco salad
Crockpot beef stroganoff
Chicken Parmesan
Crockpot french dip
Chicken Alfredo
Crockpot chicken tortilla soup
As you can see I LOVE cooking with the crockpot. After a long day of school and work coming home and just having to cook some sides is soo easy! Whats for dinner at your house this week?? 

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Tomorrow is Eric's 23rd birthday! Happy birthday babe! I'm so lucky to be able to call him my hubby.Here are 23 reasons/things I love about him!
1. He always knows what to say to make my day better
2. He works hard everyday to make our dreams a reality
3. He is a great friend. 
4. He has a great sense of humor
5. He is very intelligent
6. His never ending desire to learn more
7. His determination
8. His big blue eyes
9. His laugh
10. His ability to have a conversation with anyone and everyone.
11. His big hugs
12. He is patient
13. He knows when something is wrong without me saying a word
14. He would do whatever it took to support and protect our family/life
15. He always defends me.. even when I might be wrong
16. He pushes me everyday to go after my dreams
17. He is supportive of everything I do
18. His love of the outdoors and animals
19. His appreciation and love of family
20. He makes me laugh everyday
21. He is always up for an adventure
22. He tells me I'm beautiful every single day
23. He is my best friend
Happy birthday Eric. I Love you so much and am so excited to spend forever and always with you by my side. "I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend, lucky to have been where we have been." 
XoXo Ash